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  3. May 2nd, The Cosmic Dragon was finally able to safely return to his home、planet of Earth, Gion Kyoto.


May 2nd, The Cosmic Dragon was finally able to safely return to his home、planet of Earth, Gion Kyoto.

The work Great Cosmic Blue Dragon-Cosmic Dragon-was hastily installed at the Tokiwa Shinden Hall of Kyoto Yasaka Shrine, the event venue, in time for the first special tea ceremony of this year.

This work, which had been preserved for a long time at Myokenji, a historic temple in Kyoto’s Kamikyo-ku, was carefully removed with the cooperation of the people carrying the mikoshi of Yasaka Shrine.

This piece, which is approximately 2.5m square, and weighing 60kg, required seven people, the whole  mikoshi team, to carry it through the  corridors of the temple,  barely missing the walls.

The final hurdle of the challenge was getting the huge painting  through the glass doors of the event space at the Yasaka Shrine. After wrangling with the heavy painting, the team were able to get it  through with only a  few centimeters to spare, by tilting it diagonally, a feat which drew the applause of everyone present.

At the end, the Shinto-style Kashiwa-de was performed by the chief priest, and the Cosmic Dragon was finally able to safely return to its home on Earth, in Gion Kyoto.

The teamwork of the Yasaka Omikoshi made us feel that the power to connect humans and the gods and Buddha still remains even today.

With love and gratitude, we would like to express our deepest thanks to everyone who was involved in this transport work.

The official dedication ceremony date will be announced later.
