It is both the brush name of the painter Fumio Shiozawa, and the company name. Wild” represents instinct and natural intuition, and “Einstein” is the name of a physicist famous for his high intelligence.
Intelligence in this case refers to the nature of curiosity and inquisitiveness, which is at the heart of artistic creativity. These are the expression elements at the core of Shiozawa's work.
A project to refocus on Japan's unique values such as Japan's abundant nature and culture, and the spirit of prayer, in cooperation with businesses such as shrines and temples, historical heritage, and traditional crafts. Providing services through independent production is also a cultural projects.
Event projects that aim to impart wisdom, such as the thoughts and ideas of great men that have been passed down from ancient times.
Wild Einstein's events are not limited to only painting. We often involve a diverse team of artisans and professionals including stage designers, lighting architects, musicians, dry landscapers, and more.
Educational programs that help to cultivate sensibility for various ages, utilizing art and music.
In a society where technological progress and complexity are accelerating, we need the ability not only to find the right answers, but also to embrace ideas that are different from those of other people and find value.
Exposure to true art from an early age sharpens our sense of originality and creativity, and fosters growth.
We will show you an original art style, featuring series works from 2015 and before,
and the latest Japanese mystical paintings from 2016, when he started his new Buddhist themed series.