
On this day, the Nichiren Birth Ceremony was held at Ikegami Hongyo-ji Temple in Ota-ku Tokyo. Shiozawa’s works are exhibited here every year.
Just before the event, discussions resulted in the decision to make a documentary about Shiozawa’s work and the growing cultural art scene in Japan. Today was not only Nichren’s birth ceremony, but also the first day of filming.
The first scene filmed was a visit to the grave of Edo painter Kano Tanyu, then the scene shifted to the pagoda where Saint Nichiren’s body was cremated, and his bones are kept. Both are located within the grounds of Hongyo-ji Temple.
One of Shiozawa’s old junior high school teachers, Mr. Tanaka, showed up out of the blue, and to the delight of us all, to see his student’s work. It had been 15 years since we had last seen him, and Mr. Kohatsu, the film’s director took the opportunity to interview him for the documentary. Both vigorous and gentle at the same time, the 92 year old’s manner of speaking was very heart warming.
Finally, the installation of the “White Lotus Flower” folding screen door artwork has begun. We are ever grateful and honored for the help of Mr. Tsutada, the chairman of the famous Nishjin Textile Association, who came all the way from Kyoto to help us with this project today.
The artwork springs to life and dances as the black light comes on, and finally the installation is complete.
A commemorative shot with three generations of the Tanaka family.
Shiozawa explains in depth the philosophy behind the work, “Nichiren Nirvana”, to a very intrigued Mr. Tanaka.
Meanwhile, more and more people started to gather.
Filming continued throughout, while the 80 people filling every seat enjoyed the ambiance of the ceremony.
People from all walks of life attended, from famous names to humble artists to cultural enthusiasts, friends and family. Everyone enjoyed the show and will take home good memories to cherish for years to come.
Even after the memorial service ended, everyone stayed put and took commemorative photos, chatted over tea in a separate room, and enjoyed long conversations, The event, which began at 2p.m., ended at 5p.m. when the Temple closed.
Afterwards the whole volunteer team joined us for a celebratory dinner, where we shared jubilant and excited conversations about the day, future events, and much more. We would like to sincerely extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated or visited in today’s resoundingly successful event.